

    Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that encompasses a range of positive feelings, from contentment to intense joy. It is often associated with positive life experiences, such as achieving goals, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in enjoyable activities. However, happiness can also arise spontaneously, without any apparent external cause.

    Happiness is closely linked to well-being and overall life satisfaction. Studies have shown that individuals who experience higher levels of happiness tend to have better physical and mental health, stronger social relationships, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

    The pursuit of happiness has been a central theme in philosophy and psychology for centuries. While there is no single, universally accepted definition of happiness, it is generally understood to be a state of mind characterized by positive emotions, a sense of purpose, and a feeling of fulfillment.


    “Happiness” is subject to debate on usage and meaning,[1][2][3][4][5] and on possible differences in understanding by culture.[6][7]

    The word is mostly used in relation to two factors:[8]

    • the current experience of the feeling of an emotion (affect) such as pleasure or joy,[9] or of a more general sense of ’emotional condition as a whole’.[a] For instance Daniel Kahneman has defined happiness as “what I experience here and now“.[16] This usage is prevalent in dictionary definitions of happiness.[17][18][19]
    • appraisal of life satisfaction, such as of quality of life.[20] For instance Ruut Veenhoven has defined happiness as “overall appreciation of one’s life as-a-whole.”[7]: 2  “‘Happiness’ is often used, in ordinary life, to refer to a short-lived state of a person, frequently a feeling of contentment: ‘You look happy today’; ‘I’m very happy for you’. Philosophically, its scope is more often wider, encompassing a whole life. And in philosophy it is possible to speak of the happiness of a person’s life, or of their happy life, even if that person was in fact usually pretty miserable. The point is that some good things in their life made it a happy one, even though they lacked contentment. But this usage is uncommon, and may cause confusion.’[1] Kahneman has said that this is more important to people than current experience.[16][21][22]

    Some usages can include both of these factors. Subjective well-being (swb)[b] includes measures of current experience (emotions, moods, and feelings) and of life satisfaction.[c] For instance Sonja Lyubomirsky has described happiness as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.[24] Eudaimonia,[25] is a Greek term variously translated as happiness, welfare, flourishing, and blessedness. Xavier Landes[14] has proposed that happiness include measures of subjective well-being, mood and eudaimonia.[15]

    These differing uses can give different results.[26] Whereas Nordic countries often score highest on swb surveys, South American countries score higher on affect-based surveys of current positive life experiencing.[27]

    The implied meaning of the word may vary depending on context,[28] qualifying happiness as a polyseme and a fuzzy concept.

    A further issue is when measurement is made; appraisal of a level of happiness at the time of the experience may be different from appraisal via memory at a later date.[29][30]

    Some users accept these issues, but continue to use the word because of its convening power.[31]

    Happiness vs joy

    German philosophy professor Michela Summa says that the distinction between joy and happiness is that “joy accompanies the process through and through, whereas happiness seems to be more strictly tied to the moment of achievement of the process… joy is not only a direct emotional response to an event that is embedded in our life-concerns but is also tightly bound to the present moment, whereas happiness presupposes an evaluative stance concerning one period of one’s life or one’s own life as a whole.”[32]


    Worldwide levels of happiness as measured by the World Happiness Report (2023)

    People have been trying to measure happiness for centuries. In 1780, the English utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham proposed that as happiness was the primary goal of humans, it should be measured as a way of determining how well the government was performing.[33]

    Today, happiness is typically measured using self-report surveys. Self-reporting is prone to cognitive biases and other sources of errors, such as peak–end rule. Studies show that memories of felt emotions can be inaccurate.[34] Affective forecasting research shows that people are poor predictors of their future emotions, including how happy they will be.[35]

    Happiness economists are not overly concerned with philosophical and methodological issues and continue to use questionaries to measure average happiness of populations.

    Several scales have been developed to measure happiness:

    • The Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) is a four-item scale, measuring global subjective happiness from 1999. The scale requires participants to use absolute ratings to characterize themselves as happy or unhappy individuals, as well as it asks to what extent they identify themselves with descriptions of happy and unhappy individuals.[36][37]
    • The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) from 1988 is a 20-item questionnaire, using a five-point Likert scale (1 = very slightly or not at all, 5 = extremely) to assess the relation between personality traits and positive or negative affects at “this moment, today, the past few days, the past week, the past few weeks, the past year, and in general”.[38] A longer version with additional affect scales was published 1994.[39]
    • The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is a global cognitive assessment of life satisfaction developed by Ed Diener. A seven-point Likert scale is used to agree or disagree with five statements about one’s life.[40][41]
    • The Cantril ladder method[42] has been used in the World Happiness Report. Respondents are asked to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10, and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale.[43][42]
    • Positive Experience; the survey by Gallup asks if, the day before, people experienced enjoyment, laughing or smiling a lot, feeling well-rested, being treated with respect, learning or doing something interesting. 9 of the top 10 countries in 2018 were South American, led by Paraguay and Panama. Country scores range from 85 to 43.[44]
    • The Oxford Happiness Inventory is a comprehensive assessment tool consisting of 29 items, in which the person has to chose one of four options. It is user-friendly and easy to administer. This questionnaire shows the amount of well-being of a person. Providing quality insights of the happiness of one person.[45]

    Since 2012, a World Happiness Report has been published. Happiness is evaluated, as in “How happy are you with your life as a whole?”, and in emotional reports, as in “How happy are you now?,” and people seem able to use happiness as appropriate in these verbal contexts. Using these measures, the report identifies the countries with the highest levels of happiness. In subjective well-being measures, the primary distinction is between cognitive life evaluations and emotional reports.[46]

    The UK began to measure national well-being in 2012,[47] following Bhutan, which had already been measuring gross national happiness.[48][49]

    Academic economists and international economic organizations are arguing for and developing multi-dimensional dashboards which combine subjective and objective indicators to provide a more direct and explicit assessment of human wellbeing. There are many different contributors to adult wellbeing, such as the point that happiness judgements partly reflect the presence of salient constraints, and that fairness, autonomy, community and engagement are key aspects of happiness and wellbeing throughout the life course.[50] Although these factors play a role in happiness, they do not all need to improve simultaneously to help one achieve an increase in happiness.

    Happiness has been found to be quite stable over time.[51][52]

    Genetics and heritability

    As of 2016, no evidence of happiness causing improved physical health has been found; the topic is being researched at the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.[53] A positive relationship has been suggested between the volume of the brain’s gray matter in the right precuneus area and one’s subjective happiness score.[54]

    Sonja Lyubomirsky has estimated that 50 percent of a given human’s happiness level could be genetically determined, 10 percent is affected by life circumstances and situation, and a remaining 40 percent of happiness is subject to self-control.[55][56]

    When discussing genetics and their effects on individuals it is important to first understand that genetics do not predict behavior. It is possible for genes to increase the likelihood of individuals being happier compared to others, but they do not 100 percent predict behavior.

    At this point in scientific research, it has been hard to find a lot of evidence to support this idea that happiness is affected in some way by genetics. In a 2016 study, Michael Minkov and Michael Harris Bond found that a gene by the name of SLC6A4 was not a good predictor of happiness level in humans.[57]

    On the other hand, there have been many studies that have found genetics to be a key part in predicting and understanding happiness in humans.[58] In a review article discussing many studies on genetics and happiness, they discussed the common findings.[59] The author found an important factor that has affected scientist findings this being how happiness is measured. For example, in certain studies when subjective wellbeing is measured as a trait heredity is found to be higher, about 70 to 90 percent. In another study, 11,500 unrelated genotypes were studied, and the conclusion was the heritability was only 12 to 18 percent. Overall, this article found the common percent of heredity was about 20 to 50 percent.[60]

    Causes and achievement methods

    Main article: Well-being contributing factors

    Theories on how to achieve happiness include “encountering unexpected positive events”,[61] “seeing a significant other”,[62] and “basking in the acceptance and praise of others”.[63] Some others believe that happiness is not solely derived from external, momentary pleasures.[64]

    Research on positive psychology, well-being, eudaimonia and happiness, and the theories of Diener, Ryff, Keyes, and Seligmann covers a broad range of levels and topics, including “the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life.”[65] The psychiatrist George Vaillant and the director of longitudinal Study of Adult Development at Harvard University Robert J. Waldinger found that those who were happiest and healthier reported strong interpersonal relationships.[66] Research showed that adequate sleep contributes to well-being.[67] Good mental health and good relationships contribute more to happiness than income does.[68] In 2018, Laurie R. Santos course titled “Psychology and the Good Life” became the most popular course in the history of Yale University and was made available for free online to non-Yale students.[69]

    Some commentators focus on the difference between the hedonistic tradition of seeking pleasant and avoiding unpleasant experiences, and the eudaimonic tradition of living life in a full and deeply satisfying way.[70] Kahneman has said that “”When you look at what people want for themselves, how they pursue their goals, they seem more driven by the search for satisfaction than the search for happiness.”[71]

    Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps during World War II, noticed that those who lost hope soon died, while those who held to meaning and purpose tended to live on. Frankl observed that joy and misery had more to do with a person’s perspective and choice than with their surroundings. Three key sources of meaning that he highlights in his writings include the following:[72]

    1. Creation of an important work, or doing a deed.
    2. Love, as manifest in thoroughly encountering another person or experience.
    3. Finding meaning in unavoidable suffering, such as seeing it as a sacrifice or learning opportunity.

    Psychologist Robert Emmons has identified the centrality of goals in pursuing happiness. He found that when humans pursue meaningful projects and activities without primarily focusing on happiness, happiness often results as a by-product. Indicators of meaningfulness predict positive effects on life, while lack of meaning predicts negative states such as psychological distress. Emmons summarizes the four categories of meaning which have appeared throughout various studies. He proposes to call them WIST, or work, intimacy, spirituality, and transcendence.[73]

    Throughout life, one’s views of happiness and what brings happiness can evolve. In early and emerging adulthood many people focus on seeking happiness through friends, objects, and money. Middle aged-adults generally transition from searching for object-based happiness to looking for happiness in money and relationships. In older adulthood, people tend to focus more on personal peace and lasting relationships (ex. children, spouse, grandchildren).[74] Antti Kauppinen, a Swedish philosopher and phenomenological researcher, posited that the perception of time affects the change in focus throughout life. In early adulthood, most view life optimistically, looking to the future and seeing an entire life ahead of them. Those that fall into the middle life, see that life has passed behind them as well as seeing more life ahead. Those in older adulthood often see their lives as behind them. This shift in perspective causes a shift in the pursuit of happiness from more tactile, object based happiness, to social and relational based happiness.[75]

    Self-fulfilment theories

    Woman kissing a baby on the cheek

    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a pyramid depicting the levels of human needs, psychological, and physical. When a human being ascends the steps of the pyramid, self-actualization is reached.[76] Beyond the routine of needs fulfillment, Maslow envisioned moments of extraordinary experience, known as peak experiences, profound moments of love, understanding, happiness, or rapture, during which a person feels more whole, alive, self-sufficient, and yet a part of the world. This is similar to the flow concept of Mihály Csíkszentmihályi.[77] The concept of flow is the idea that after our basic needs are met we can achieve greater happiness by altering our consciousness by becoming so engaged in a task that we lose our sense of time. Our intense focus causes us to forget any other issues, which in return promotes positive emotions.[78]

    Erich Fromm said “Happiness is the indication that man has found the answer to the problem of human existence: the productive realization of his potentialities and thus, simultaneously, being one with the world and preserving the integrity of his self. In spending his energy productively he increases his powers, he „burns without being consumed.””[79]

    Smiling woman from Vietnam

    Self-determination theory relates intrinsic motivation to three needs: competenceautonomy, and relatedness.[80] Competence refers to an individual’s ability to be effective in their interactions with the environment, autonomy refers to a person’s flexibility in choice and decision making, and relatedness is the need to establish warm, close personal relationships.[81]

    Ronald Inglehart has traced cross-national differences in the level of happiness based on data from the World Values Survey.[82] He finds that the extent to which a society allows free choice has a major impact on happiness. When basic needs are satisfied, the degree of happiness depends on economic and cultural factors that enable free choice in how people live their lives. Happiness also depends on religion in countries where free choice is constrained.[83]

    Sigmund Freud said that all humans strive after happiness, but that the possibilities of achieving it are restricted because we “are so made that we can derive intense enjoyment only from a contrast and very little from the state of things.”[84]

    The idea of motivational hedonism is the theory that pleasure is the aim for human life.[85]

    Positive psychology

    Since 2000 the field of positive psychology, which focuses on the study of happiness and human flourishing rather than maladjusted behavior or illness, expanded drastically in terms of scientific publications. It has produced many different views on causes of happiness, and on factors that correlate with happiness, such as positive social interactions with family and friends.[86]

    These factors include six key virtues:

    1. Wisdom and knowledge, which includes creativity, curiosity, love of learning and open-mindedness.

    2. Courage, which includes bravery, persistence, integrity, and vitality.

    3. Humanity, which includes love, kindness, and social intelligence.

    4. Justice, which includes leadership, fairness, and loyalty.

    5. Temperance, which includes self-regulation, prudence, forgiveness, humility, patience [87] and modesty.

    6. Transcendence, which includes religious/spirituality, hope, gratitude, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and humor.

    In order for a virtue to be considered a key strength in the field of positive psychology it must meet the demands of 12 criteria, namely ubiquity (cross-cultural), fulfilling, morally valued, does not diminish others, be a nonfelicitous opposite (have a clear antonym that is negative), traitlike, measurable, distinct, have paragons (distinctly show up in individuals’ behaviors), have prodigies (show up in youth), be selectively absent (distinctly does not show up in some individuals), and is supported by some institutions.[88][89]

    Numerous short-term self-help interventions have been developed and demonstrated to improve happiness.[90][91]

    Yale researcher Emma Seppälä has emphasized the importance of compassion for others, balanced with self-compassion. Compassion for others may involve service and volunteering, or simply reaching out to connect, show gratitude, or draw others together.[92]


    A person’s level of subjective well-being is determined by many different factors and social influences prove to be a strong one. Results from the famous Framingham Heart Study indicate that friends three degrees of separation away (that is, friends of friends of friends) can affect a person’s happiness. From abstract: “A friend who lives within a mile (about 1.6 km) and who becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy by 25%.”[93]

    Indirect approaches

    Various writers, including Camus and Tolle, have written that the act of searching or seeking for happiness is incompatible with being happy.[94][95][96][97]

    John Stuart Mill believed that for the great majority of people happiness is best achieved en passant, rather than striving for it directly. This meant no self-consciousness, scrutiny, self-interrogation, dwelling on, thinking about, imagining or questioning on one’s happiness. Then, if otherwise fortunately circumstanced, one would “inhale happiness with the air you breathe.”[d]

    William Inge said that “on the whole, the happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except the fact that they are so.”[100] Orison Swett Marden said that “some people are born happy.”[e]

    Cognitive behavioral therapy

    Cognitive behavioral therapy is a popular therapeutic method used to change habits by changing thoughts and problematic behaviors. It focuses on emotional regulation and uses a lot of positive psychology practices. It is often used for people with depression, anxiety, or addictions and works towards how to lead a happier life.[102] Common processes in cognitive behavioral therapy are reframing thoughts from problematic thinking patterns by replacing them with beneficial or supportive ones, roleplaying, finding beneficial coping skills, and choosing new activities that support desired behaviors and avoid negative behaviors.[103]

    Synthetic happiness

    Coined by Harvard professor of psychology and author of “Stumbling on Happiness”, Daniel Gilbert, synthetic happiness is the happiness we make for ourselves. In his TedTalk titled, the surprising science of happiness, Gilbert explains that everyone possesses a “psychological immune system” that helps to regulate our emotional reactions.[104] Through research that he studied and held, he and his team found that personal happiness is largely based on personal perception. Synthetic happiness as an idea has become more popular as people attempt to define happiness as a journey instead of a destination.[citation needed]


    Happiness research understands “happiness” as “life satisfaction” or “well-being”. Since it has proved difficult to find a definition of happiness, individual people are instead asked how happy they feel.[105] Numerous surveys are then summarized and analyzed using static methods. Although some researchers believe that the scales are fundamentally unsuitable for estimating happiness,[106] other researchers argue that the happiness indices formed on the basis of the survey have a high statistical correspondence with characteristics that are generally understood to indicate a happy person. For example, individuals who report high happiness on scales smile more often, exhibit more social behavior, are more helpful, and are less likely to commit suicide. For this reason, happiness indices determined on the basis of the survey are considered reliable by happiness researchers.[107]

    Before recommending strategies, it is crucial to rely on rigorous, large-scale experiments that confirm their effectiveness. Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift in what constitutes ‘high-quality evidence‘ in psychology (there were adopted e. g. practices like pre-registration, committing to specific methodological and analytical decisions in advance, and increased sample sizes to avoid underpowered studies). A meta analysis of 2023 has used this modern evidence-based approach, evaluating evidence for common happiness-boosting strategies. The study aimed to shed light on the effectiveness of these strategies and their impact on subjective well-being. As a first step, the authors analyzed numerous media articles on happiness to identify the five most commonly recommended strategies, these were: expressing gratitude, enhancing sociability, exercising, practicing mindfulness/meditation, and increasing exposure to nature. Next, the published scientific literature was searched but limited to the above-described high-quality criteria that tested the effects of these strategies on subjective well-being in everyday individuals (non-clinical samples). Only 10% of the initially retrieved studies met those rigorous criteria. The findings revealed that unlike so far suggested by scientific studies, there is currently still a lack of robust scientific evidence to support some of the most frequently suggested happiness strategies. Among the five most common happiness strategies, there was “reasonably solid evidence” of positive effects from a) Gratitude messages or lists, b) conversations with strangers or Gratitude and sociability – that is, establishing and maintaining social relationships. In contrast, no convincing evidence could be found that c) sports, d) mindfulness training, or e) walks in the countryside make people happier.[108]


    There is a wealth of cross-sectional studies on happiness and physical health that shows consistent positive relationships.[109] Follow-up studies appear to show that happiness does not predict longevity in sick populations, but that it does predict longevity among healthy populations.[110]

    Other positive effects of happiness and being in a good mood, that have been studied and confirmed, are that happier people tend to be more helpful, attentive, and generous to others,[111] as well as to themselves.[112] Happy people also have been shown to act more cooperatively and less aggressively,[113] and be more likely to help others in need.[114] They were also found to be more sociable and communicative.[115]

    More positive effects that happiness seems to evoke are creative problem solving,[116] persisting through challenges,[117] more intrinsic motivation for work related or responsible tasks,[118] and being more effective at using efficient decision-making strategies.[119]

    While some believe that success breeds happiness, Lyubomirsky, King and Diener found that happiness precedes success in income, relationships, marriages, work performance, and health.[120]

    Low mood is correlated with many negative life outcomes such as suicide, poor health, substance abuse, and low life expectancy. By extension, happiness protects from those negative outcomes.


    June Gruber argued that happiness may trigger a person to be more sensitive, more gullible, less successful, and more likely to undertake high risk behaviours.[121][122] She also conducted studies suggesting that seeking happiness can have negative effects, such as failure to meet over-high expectations.[123][124][125] Iris Mauss has shown that the more people strive for happiness, the more likely they will set up too high of standards and feel disappointed.[126][127] One study shows that women who value happiness more tend to react less positively to happy emotions.[128] A 2012 study found that psychological well-being was higher for people who experienced both positive and negative emotions.[129][130]

    Society and culture


    Newly commissioned officers celebrate their new positions by throwing their midshipmen covers into the air as part of the U.S. Naval Academy class of 2011 graduation and commissioning ceremony.

    Main article: Happiness economics

    Jeremy Bentham believed that public policy should attempt to maximize happiness, and he even attempted to estimate a “hedonic calculus”. Thomas Jefferson put the “pursuit of happiness” on the same level as life and liberty in the United States Declaration of Independence. Presently, many countries and organizations regularly measure population happiness through large-scale surveys, e.g., Bhutan.

    Richer nations tend to have higher measures of happiness than poorer nations.[131][132] The relationship between wealth and happiness is not linear and the same GDP increase in poor countries will have more effect on happiness than in wealthy countries.[133][134][135][136]

    Some political scientists argue that life satisfaction is positively related to the social democratic model of a generous social safety net, pro-worker labor market regulations, and strong labor unions.[137][138][139] Others argue that happiness is strongly correlated with economic freedom,[140] preferably within the context of a western mixed economy, with free press and a democracy.

    Cultural values

    A little girl from Namche BazaarNepal, expressing her happiness towards foreign visitors

    Personal happiness can be affected by cultural factors.[141][142][143] Hedonism appears to be more strongly related to happiness in more individualistic cultures.[144] Forcing people to marry and stay married can have adverse consequences. Research has shown that unhappily married couples suffer 3–25 times the risk of developing clinical depression.[145][146][147]

    One theory is that higher SWB in richer countries is related to their more individualistic cultures. Individualistic cultures may satisfy intrinsic motivations to a higher degree than collectivistic cultures, and fulfilling intrinsic motivations, as opposed to extrinsic motivations, may relate to greater levels of happiness, leading to more happiness in individualistic cultures.[148]

    Cultural views on happiness have changed over time.[149] For instance Western concern about childhood being a time of happiness has occurred only since the 19th century.[150] Not all cultures seek to maximize happiness,[151][nb 1][nb 2] and some cultures are averse to happiness.[152][153] It has been found in Western cultures that individual happiness is the most important. Some other cultures have opposite views and tend to be aversive to the idea of individual happiness. For example, people living in Eastern Asian cultures focus more on the need for happiness within relationships with others and even find personal happiness to be harmful to fulfilling happy social relationships.[152][151][154][nb 1][nb 2]


    See also: Religious studies

    People in countries with high cultural religiosity tend to relate their life satisfaction less to their emotional experiences than people in more secular countries.[155]


    Tibetan Buddhist monk

    Happiness forms a central theme of Buddhist teachings.[156] For ultimate freedom from suffering, the Noble Eightfold Path leads its practitioner to Nirvana, a state of everlasting peace. Ultimate happiness is only achieved by overcoming craving in all forms. More mundane forms of happiness, such as acquiring wealth and maintaining good friendships, are also recognized as worthy goals for lay people (see sukha). Buddhism also encourages the generation of loving kindness and compassion, the desire for the happiness and welfare of all beings.[157][158][159][unreliable source?][unreliable source?]


    In Advaita Vedanta, the ultimate goal of life is happiness, in the sense that duality between Atman and Brahman is transcended and one realizes oneself to be the Self in all.

    Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, wrote quite exhaustively on the psychological and ontological roots of bliss.[160]


    The Chinese Confucian thinker Mencius, who had sought to give advice to ruthless political leaders during China’s Warring States period, was convinced that the mind played a mediating role between the “lesser self” (the physiological self) and the “greater self” (the moral self), and that getting the priorities right between these two would lead to sage-hood.[161] He argued that if one did not feel satisfaction or pleasure in nourishing one’s “vital force” with “righteous deeds”, then that force would shrivel up (Mencius, 6A:15 2A:2). More specifically, he mentions the experience of intoxicating joy if one celebrates the practice of the great virtues, especially through music.[162]


    Main article: Happiness in Judaism

    Happiness or simcha (Hebrew: שמחה) in Judaism is considered an important element in the service of God.[163] The biblical verse “worship The Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs,” (Psalm 100:2) stresses joy in the service of God.[164] A popular teaching by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, a 19th-century Chassidic Rabbi, is “Mitzvah Gedolah Le’hiyot Besimcha Tamid,” it is a great mitzvah (commandment) to always be in a state of happiness. When a person is happy they are much more capable of serving God and going about their daily activities than when depressed or upset.[165][self-published source?]


    Further information: The Beatitudes

    The primary meaning of “happiness” in various European languages involves good fortuneblessing, or a similar happening. The meaning in Greek philosophy refers primarily to ethics.

    In Christianity, the ultimate end of human existence consists in felicity, Latin equivalent to the Greek eudaimonia (“blessed happiness”), described by the 13th-century philosopher-theologian Thomas Aquinas as a beatific vision of God’s essence in the next life.[166]

    According to Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas, man’s last end is happiness: “all men agree in desiring the last end, which is happiness.”[167] Aquinas agreed with Aristotle that happiness cannot be reached solely through reasoning about consequences of acts, but also requires a pursuit of good causes for acts, such as habits according to virtue.[168]

    According to Aquinas, happiness consists in an “operation of the speculative intellect“: “Consequently happiness consists principally in such an operation, viz. in the contemplation of Divine things.” And, “the last end cannot consist in the active life, which pertains to the practical intellect.” So: “Therefore the last and perfect happiness, which we await in the life to come, consists entirely in contemplation. But imperfect happiness, such as can be had here, consists first and principally in contemplation, but secondarily, in an operation of the practical intellect directing human actions and passions.”[169]

    Human complexities, like reason and cognition, can produce well-being or happiness, but such form is limited and transitory. In temporal life, the contemplation of God, the infinitely Beautiful, is the supreme delight of the will. Beatitudo, or perfect happiness, as complete well-being, is to be attained not in this life, but the next.[170]


    Al-Ghazali (1058–1111), the Sufi thinker, wrote that “The Alchemy of Happiness” is a manual of religious instruction that is used throughout the Muslim world and widely practiced today.[171]


    A smiling butcher slicing meat

    Main article: Philosophy of happiness

    Relation to morality

    Philosophy of happiness is often discussed in conjunction with ethics.[172] Traditional European societies, inherited from the Greeks and from Christianity, often linked happiness with morality. In this context, morality was the performance in a specific role in a certain kind of social life.[173]

    Happiness remains a difficult term for moral philosophy. Throughout the history of moral philosophy, there has been an oscillation between attempts to define morality in terms of consequences leading to happiness or defining it as nothing to do with happiness at all.[174]

    In psychology, connections between happiness and morality have been studied in a variety of ways. Empirical research suggests that laypeople’s judgments of a person’s happiness in part depend on perceptions of that person’s morality, suggesting that judgments of others’ happiness involve moral evaluation.[175] A large body of research also suggests that engaging in prosocial behavior can increase happiness.[176][177][178]


    Ethicists have made arguments for how humans should behave, either individually or collectively, based on the resulting happiness of such behavior. Utilitarians, such as John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, advocated the greatest happiness principle as a guide for ethical behavior. This principle states that actions are proportionately right or wrong by how much happiness or unhappiness they bring. Mill defines happiness as that which brings about an intended pleasure and avoids an unnecessary pain, and he defines unhappiness as the reverse, namely an action that brings about pain and not pleasure. He is quick to specify that pleasure and pain are to be understood in an Epicurean light, referring chiefly to the higher human pleasures of increased intellect, feelings, and moral sentiments not what one might call beastly pleasures of mere animal appetites.[179] Critics of this view include Thomas CarlyleFerdinand Tönnies and others within the German philosophical tradition. They posit that a greater happiness is to be found in choosing to suffer for others, rather than allowing others to suffer for them, declaring this to be a form of satisfying, and heroic, nobility.[180]

    Many studies have observed the effects of volunteerism (as a form of altruism) on happiness and health and have consistently found that those who exhibit volunteerism also have better current and future health and well-being.[181][182] In a study of older adults, those who volunteered had higher life satisfaction and will to live, and less depressionanxiety, and somatization.[183] Volunteerism and helping behavior have not only been shown to improve mental health but physical health and longevity as well, attributable to the activity and social integration it encourages.[181][184][185] One study examined the physical health of mothers who volunteered over 30 years and found that 52% of those who did not belong to a volunteer organization experienced a major illness while only 36% of those who did volunteer experienced one.[186] A study on adults aged 55 and older found that during the four-year study period, people who volunteered for two or more organizations had a 63% lower likelihood of dying. After controlling for prior health status, it was determined that volunteerism accounted for a 44% reduction in mortality.[187]


    Aristotle described eudaimonia (Greekεὐδαιμονία) as the goal of human thought and action. Eudaimonia is often translated to mean happiness, but some scholars contend that “human flourishing” may be a more accurate translation.[188] Aristotle’s use of the term in Nicomachiean Ethics extends beyond the general sense of happiness.[189]

    In the Nicomachean Ethics, written in 350 BCE, Aristotle stated that happiness (also being well and doing well) is the only thing that humans desire for their own sake, unlike riches, honour, health or friendship. He observed that men sought riches, or honour, or health not only for their own sake but also in order to be happy.[190] For Aristotle the term eudaimonia, which is translated as ‘happiness’ or ‘flourishing’ is an activity rather than an emotion or a state.[191] Eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία) is a classical Greek word consists of the word “eu” (“good” or “well-being”) and “daimōn” (“spirit” or “minor deity”, used by extension to mean one’s lot or fortune). Thus understood, the happy life is the good life, that is, a life in which a person fulfills human nature in an excellent way.[192]

    Specifically, Aristotle argued that the good life is the life of excellent rational activity. He arrived at this claim with the “Function Argument”. Basically, if it is right, every living thing has a function, that which it uniquely does. For Aristotle human function is to reason, since it is that alone which humans uniquely do. And performing one’s function well, or excellently, is good. According to Aristotle, the life of excellent rational activity is the happy life. Aristotle argued a second-best life for those incapable of excellent rational activity was the life of moral virtue.[192]

    The key question Aristotle seeks to answer is “What is the ultimate purpose of human existence?” A lot of people are seeking pleasure, health, and a good reputation. It is true that those have a value, but none of them can occupy the place of the greatest good for which humanity aims. It may seem like all goods are a means to obtain happiness, but Aristotle said that happiness is always an end in itself.[193]


    Friedrich Nietzsche critiqued the English Utilitarians‘ focus on attaining the greatest happiness, stating that “Man does not strive for happiness, only the Englishman does”.[194] Nietzsche meant that making happiness one’s ultimate goal and the aim of one’s existence, in his words “makes one contemptible.” Nietzsche instead yearned for a culture that would set higher, more difficult goals than “mere happiness.” He introduced the quasi-dystopic figure of the “last man” as a kind of thought experiment against the utilitarians and happiness-seekers.[195][196]

    These small, “last men” who seek after only their own pleasure and health, avoiding all danger, exertion, difficulty, challenge, struggle are meant to seem contemptible to Nietzsche’s reader. Nietzsche instead wants us to consider the value of what is difficult, what can only be earned through struggle, difficulty, pain and thus to come to see the affirmative value suffering and unhappiness truly play in creating everything of great worth in life, including all the highest achievements of human culture, not least of all philosophy.[19


    Happy Days is an American television sitcom that aired first-run on the ABC network from January 15, 1974, to July 19, 1984, with a total of 255 half-hour episodes spanning 11 seasons. Created by Garry Marshall, it was one of the most successful series of the 1970s. The series presented an idealized vision of life in the 1950s and early 1960s Midwestern United States, and it starred Ron Howard as Richie CunninghamHenry Winkler as his friend Fonzie, and Tom Bosley and Marion Ross as Richie’s parents, Howard and Marion Cunningham.[1] Although it opened to mixed reviews from critics, Happy Days became successful and popular over time.[2]

    The series began as an unsold pilot starring Howard, Ross and Anson Williams, which aired in 1972 as a segment titled “Love and the Television Set” (later retitled “Love and the sad days” for syndication) on ABC’s anthology show Love, American Style. Based on the pilot, director George Lucas cast Howard as the lead in his 1973 film American Graffiti, causing ABC to take a renewed interest in the pilot. The first two seasons of happy days focused on the experiences and dilemmas of “innocent teenager” Richie Cunningham, his family, and his high school friends, attempting to “honestly depict a wistful look back at adolescence”.[2]

    Initially a moderate success, the series’ ratings began to fall during its second season, causing Marshall to retool it. The new format emphasized broad comedy and spotlighted the previously minor character of Fonzie, a “cool” biker and high school dropout.[2] Following these changes, Happy Days became the number-one program in television in 1976–1977, Fonzie became one of the most merchandised characters of the 1970s, and Henry Winkler became a major star.[3][4] The series also spawned a number of spin-offs, including Laverne & Shirley and Mork & Mindy.



    Set in MilwaukeeWisconsin, during the 1950s, the series revolves around teenager Richie Cunningham and his family: his father, Howard, who owns a hardware store; traditional homemaker and mother, Marion; younger sister Joanie Cunningham; Richie’s older brother Chuck (briefly in seasons 1 and 2 only, disappearing from storylines afterward); and high school dropout, leather-jacket–clad greaser, suave and promiscuous mechanic Fonzie, who would eventually become Richie’s best friend and the Cunninghams’ over-the-garage tenant. The earliest episodes revolve around Richie and his friends, Potsie Weber and Ralph Malph, with Fonzie as a secondary character. However, as the series progressed, Fonzie proved to be a favorite with viewers, and soon more story lines were written to reflect his growing popularity, Winkler was top billed in the opening credits alongside Howard by season 3.[5] Fonzie befriended Richie and the Cunningham family and, when Richie left the series for military service, Fonzie became the central figure of the show, with Winkler receiving sole top billing. In later seasons, other characters were introduced including Fonzie’s young cousin, Chachi Arcola, who became a love interest for Joanie Cunningham.

    The series’ pilot was originally shown as “Love and the Television Set”, later retitled “Love and the Happy Days” for syndication, a one-episode teleplay on the anthology series Love, American Style, aired on February 25, 1972. Happy Days spawned successful television shows Laverne & Shirley and Mork & Mindy as well as three failures: Joanie Loves ChachiBlansky’s Beauties featuring Nancy Walker as Howard’s cousin,[6] and Out of the Blue. The show is the basis for the Happy Days musical touring the United States since 2008. The leather jacket worn by Winkler during the series was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution for the permanent collection at the National Museum of American History.[7] The original, light grey McGregor windbreaker Winkler wore during the first season eventually was thrown into the garbage after ABC relented and allowed the Fonzie character to wear a leather jacket.



    Main article: List of Happy Days episodes

    SeasonEpisodesOriginally releasedRankRating
    First releasedLast released
    116January 15, 1974May 7, 19741621.5
    223September 10, 1974May 6, 19754917.5[a]
    324September 9, 1975March 2, 19761123.9
    425September 21, 1976March 29, 1977131.5
    527September 13, 1977May 30, 1978231.4
    627September 5, 1978May 15, 1979428.5[b]
    725September 11, 1979May 6, 19801721.7
    822November 11, 1980May 26, 19811520.8[c]
    922October 6, 1981March 23, 19821820.6
    1022September 28, 1982March 22, 19832817.4[d]
    1122September 27, 1983July 19, 1984[e]6313.9[8]



    Ron HowardRichie CunninghamMainGuest170
    Anson WilliamsPotsie WeberMain211
    Marion RossMarion CunninghamMain252
    Tom BosleyHoward CunninghamMain255
    Henry WinklerArthur “Fonzie” FonzarelliRecurringMain255
    Don MostRalph MalphRecurringMainGuest168
    Erin MoranJoanie CunninghamRecurringMainRecurringMain234
    Pat MoritaMitsumo “Arnold” TakahashiRecurringGuestGuestRecurringGuest26
    Al MolinaroAl DelvecchioRecurringMainGuest145
    Scott BaioChachi ArcolaRecurringMainRecurringMain131
    Lynda GoodfriendLori Beth CunninghamRecurringMainGuest66
    Cathy SilversJenny PiccoloRecurringMainGuest55
    Ted McGinleyRoger PhillipsRecurringMain61
    Linda PurlAshley PfisterMain19
    Heather O’RourkeHeather PfisterRecurring12








    • Richie Cunningham – The protagonist for the first seven years of the series (1974–80). When Ron Howard left the show due to his burgeoning directorial career, Richie was written out by leaving to join the United States Army. He marries his girlfriend, Lori Beth, in season eight by phone so that she will be able to join him at his post in Greenland, while Fonzie stands in for him in the wedding.[9] Howard returned for guest appearances as Richie during the show’s final season. He came back with Lori Beth and their son, Richie Jr., and Ralph in the season 11 two-part episode, “Welcome Home”, and then left for California with Lori Beth and Richie Jr. to pursue a career in screenwriting. He also returned in “Passages”, when he and his family attended Joanie and Chachi’s wedding.[10]
    • Marion Cunningham (née Kelp) – Wife of Howard Cunningham, mother of Chuck, Richie, and Joanie, and a traditional homemaker. She is the only character who is allowed to call Fonzie by his real first name, Arthur, which she does affectionately.[11] She sometimes gets tired of being at home, such as in “Marion Rebels” where she gets into an argument with Howard and briefly gets a job as a waitress at Arnold’s.[12] Marion was one of only four characters to remain with the show throughout its entire run.
    • Howard Cunningham – Husband of Marion Cunningham, father of Chuck, Richie, and Joanie, business owner of a hardware store called “Cunningham’s Hardware”, he is a lodge member, and family man. Howard is one of only two characters (the other being Fonzie) to appear in every episode of the series.
    • Joanie Cunningham – Richie’s younger sister. In early seasons, she is sometimes snooping on Richie’s activities and would occasionally be sent to her room by her parents. She is affectionately called “Shortcake” by Fonzie.
    • Arthur Fonzarelli, a.k.a. The Fonz or Fonzie – Initially a secondary or recurring character, billed in the end credits, during the first season, he became a popular breakout character and was promoted to front billing by the second season. Fonzarelli’s “Fonzie” nickname and comeback phrase, “Sit on it”, were created by the show’s producer Bob Brunner.[13][14][15] His parents abandoned him as a child and his grandmother raised him from the age of four.
    • Warren “Potsie” Weber – Richie’s best friend and an aspiring and talented singer.
    • Ralph Malph – In the first season, Ralph was intended as more of a secondary character, billed in the end credits, along with Winkler and Moran, but by season 2, Ralph was front billed with them.
    • Mitsumo “Arnold” Takahashi (Noriyuki “Pat” Morita) (seasons 1-3, 10–11: 26 episodes) is the owner of Arnold’s Drive-In season three (1975–76). Morita also played “Arnold” as a guest star in 1977 and 1979 before returning as a recurring character after Al Molinaro departed in 1982.
    • Chachi Arcola (Scott Baio) – Fonzie’s younger cousin and later Al Delvecchio’s stepson. Fonzie acts as his older brother/father figure. He has much of Fonzie’s smoothness and charisma, “wah wah wah” being his catchphrase. Chachi becomes “one of the guys”, joining Richie, Potsie, Ralph, and Fonzie in their antics and as their bandmate/drummer.
    • Jenny Piccolo (Cathy Silvers) – Joanie’s boy-crazy best friend (1980–1983), frequently mentioned but never seen in early episodes. She made her first on-screen appearance in the eighth season and remained a recurring character through the ninth season, becoming a regular during the tenth season in 1983. She returned as a guest star in the 1984 series finale.[16] Jenny’s father, played by Cathy Silvers‘ real-life father Phil Silvers, appeared in one episode (S9E8 “Just a Piccalo”).
    • Roger Phillips (Ted McGinley) – Marion’s nephew; coach and teacher at Jefferson High, until the episode “Vocational Education” when he became principal at Patton High.[17] Introduced in 1980 after Richie left the show as a recurring character.
    • Lori Beth Allen-Cunningham (Lynda Goodfriend) – Richie’s girlfriend and later his wife (1977–82). She married Richie by phone in season eight. Fonzie helped Lori Beth deliver her baby in “Little Baby Cunningham”. She returned as a guest star in the final season, where she is pregnant with her second baby.[citation needed]
    • Ashley Pfister (Linda Purl) – Divorced mother who becomes Fonzie’s steady girlfriend until they break up offscreen sometime before “Where the Guys Are”. (Purl also portrays Richie’s part-time girlfriend Gloria in season 2).[citation needed]



    • Marsha Simms (Beatrice Colen) (seasons 1–3, 5; 22 episodes) – A carhop waitress in the first 3 seasons with comic sides and plot development appearances. She returned for a flashback (guest) appearance in the episode “Our Gang”.
    • Bobby Melner (Harris Kal) (seasons 8–11; 19 episodes) – Friend of Chachi and Joanie seen in episodes after Richie and Ralph left the show. He is a student in Fonzie’s auto shop class, as well as in Roger’s health class. At one point, he was also on the Jefferson High basketball team, and performed in a band with Joanie and Chachi.
    • K.C. Cunningham (Crystal Bernard) (season 10; 15 episodes) – Howard’s niece. She moves in with Howard and Marion after Joanie leaves for Chicago. She left an all-girls boarding school in Texas because it closed down.
    • Leopold “Flip” Phillips (Billy Warlock) (seasons 9–10; 13 episodes) – Roger’s rebellious younger brother. He usually wears a shirt cut off over his bellybutton.
    • Tommy (Kevin Sullivan) (seasons 8–11; 13 episodes) – Another friend of Chachi and Joanie in episodes after Ron Howard and Don Most left the show. Like Bobby, Tommy is a student in Fonzie’s auto shop class, as well as in Roger’s health class.
    • Heather Pfister (Heather O’Rourke) (season 10; 12 episodes) – Ashley Pfister’s daughter. Initially she does not get along with Fonzie, but gradually learns to accept him as a father figure.
    • Charles “Chuck” Cunningham (Gavan O’HerlihyRandolph Roberts) (seasons 1–2; 11 episodes) – The oldest son of Howard and Marion Cunningham and older brother of Richie and Joanie, Chuck is a college student and basketball player. He is rarely seen and disappears without explanation in season three, never to be seen nor referenced again after season 2’s “Fish and Fins”. The character’s disappearance gave rise to the term “Chuck Cunningham Syndrome”, used to describe TV characters that disappear from shows without an in-narrative explanation and are nowhere to be seen or mentioned again.[18] Gavan O’Herlihy played Chuck, but then he asked to leave the series.[19] He was replaced by Randolph Roberts. In several late-season episodes, Howard and Marion say they are “very proud of our two children”, with no on-screen reference to Chuck.
    • Eugene Belvin (Denis Mandel) (seasons 8–9; 10 episodes) – Nerdy classmate of Joanie and Chachi, and twin brother of Melvin Belvin. He takes Fonzie’s auto shop class and has a crush on Jenny Piccolo. Despite being a general stooge to his classmates at Jefferson High, he frequently tags along with Joanie and Chachi’s circle of friends.
    • “Bag” Zombroski (Neil J. Schwartz) (seasons 1–4; 9 episodes) – A Jefferson High schoolmate, drummer of Richie’s band and a leader of a jacket club called “The Demons”.
    • Police Officer Kirk / Army Reserve Major Kirk (Ed Peck) (seasons 3–10; 9 episodes) – Fonzie’s nemesis and antagonist, who is eager to demonstrate his inflated sense of authority, and on the watch for delinquents and “pinkos” (communists). Kirk takes over as acting sheriff following the untimely death of Sheriff Flanaghan.
    • Wendy (Misty Rowe) (season 2; 8 episodes) – A carhop from Arnold’s in season two. She is paired with Marsha Simms in 5 episodes.
    • Trudy (Tita Bell) (seasons 1–4; 8 episodes) – A Jefferson High classmate, Potsie’s and Fonzie’s date in various episodes
    • Melvin Belvin (Scott Bernstein) (seasons 9–10; 8 episodes) – A nerdy classmate of Joanie and Chachi, and twin brother of Eugene Belvin. Like his brother, Melvin frequently tags along with Joanie’s and Chachi’s circle of friends.
    • Leather Tuscadero (Suzi Quatro) (seasons 5–6; 7 episodes) – A musician, younger sister of Pinky Tuscadero and a former juvenile delinquent, she forms her own girl group called “Leather and the Suedes”.
    • Jennifer Jerome (Lorrie Mahaffey) (seasons 5–6; 6 episodes) – Potsie’s steady girlfriend. Mahaffey was Anson Williams‘ then wife.
    • Laverne De Fazio (Penny Marshall) and Shirley Feeney (Cindy Williams) (seasons 3, 6–7; 5 episodes) – Dating interest of Fonzie, Laverne and her friend Shirley appeared prominently in three episodes during season three (“A Date with Fonzie”, “Football Frolics”, and “Fonzie the Superstar”), which led to the Marshall and Williams starring in the spin-off series Laverne & Shirley; they also made guest appearances in season six’s “Fonzie’s Funeral (Part 2)” and season seven’s “Shotgun Wedding” (Part 1) (the second part of “Shotgun Wedding” concluded on a crossover episode of Laverne and Shirley.)
    • Louisa Arcola-Delvecchio (Ellen Travolta) (seasons 8–11; 5 episodes) – Mother of Chachi Arcola and aunt of Fonzie. She marries Al Delvecchio and they move to Chicago.
    • Gloria (Linda Purl) (season 2; 5 episodes) – Richie’s occasional girlfriend in season two.
    • Dr. Mickey Malph (Alan OppenheimerJack Dodson) (season 3–4, 7; 4 episodes) – Ralph’s father, an optometrist and, like his son, a self-styled comedian. He briefly separates from his wife Minnie, but apparently resolves the issues with her after a talk with Ralph.
    • Raymond “Spike” Fonzarelli (Danny Butch) (seasons 2–4; 4 episodes) – Fonzie’s cousin (often referred to as his nephew, but Fonzie explains that he could not be his nephew, as Fonzie was an only child) and his copycat. He goes on a date with Joanie in “Not with My Sister, You Don’t” and made only fleeting appearances before the introduction of Chachi.
    • Grandma Nussbaum (Frances Bay) (seasons 3, 9–11: 4 episodes) – Chachi Arcola and Fonzie’s grandmother. Grandma Nussbaum was played by Lillian Bronson in the season 3 episode “Fonzie Moves In”.
    • Carol “Pinky” Tuscadero (Roz Kelly) (season 4; 3 episodes) – Former girlfriend of Fonzie and a traveling demolition derby driver.
    • Clarence (Gary Friedkin) (season 10; 3 episodes) – A cook at Arnold’s who is referred to several times throughout the show, but never actually seen until the episode “A Woman Not Under the Influence”. There, it is revealed that Clarence is a little person.
    • Bill “Sticks” Downey (John-Anthony Bailey) (season 3; 2 episodes) – Friend of Fonzie, Richie, Potsie, and Ralph and drummer for their band, hence his nickname “Sticks”, though he claims he got the nickname because he was skinny.



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    Happy Days originated during a time of 1950s nostalgic interest as evident in 1970s film, television, and music. In late winter of 1971, Michael Eisner was snowed in at Newark airport where he bumped into Tom Miller, head of development at Paramount. Eisner has stated that he told Miller, “Tom, this is ridiculous. We’re wasting our time here. Let’s write a show.” The script treatment that came out of that did not sell. But in spite of the market research department telling them that the 1950s theme would not work, they decided to redo it, and this was accepted as a pilot.[20] This unsold pilot was filmed in late 1971 and titled New Family in Town, with Harold Gould in the role of Howard Cunningham, Marion Ross as Marion, Ron Howard as Richie, Anson Williams as Potsie, Ric Carrott as Charles “Chuck” Cunningham, and Susan Neher as Joanie. Paramount passed on making it into a weekly series, and the pilot was recycled with the title Love and the Television Set (later retitled Love and the Happy Days for syndication), for presentation on the television anthology series Love, American Style.[21] Also in 1971, the musical Grease had a successful opening in Chicago, and by the following year became successful on Broadway. In 1972, George Lucas asked to view the pilot to determine if Ron Howard would be suitable to play a teenager in American Graffiti, then in pre-production. Lucas immediately cast Howard in the film, which became one of the top-grossing films of 1973. With the movie’s success generating a renewed interest in the 1950s era (although the film was set in 1962), TV show creator Garry Marshall and ABC recast the unsold pilot to turn Happy Days into a series. According to Marshall in an interview, executive producer Tom Miller said while developing the sitcom, “If we do a TV series that takes place in another era, and when it goes into reruns, then it won’t look old.” This made sense to Marshall while on the set of the show.[22]

    Gould had originally been tapped to reprise the role of Howard Cunningham on the show. However, during a delay before the start of production he found work doing a play abroad and when he was notified the show was ready to begin production, he declined to return because he wanted to honor his commitment.[23] Bosley was then offered the role.

    Production and scheduling notes


    • Jerry Paris, who played next-door neighbor Jerry Helper on The Dick Van Dyke Show and directed 84 episodes of that series,[24] directed every episode of Happy Days from season three on, except for three episodes in season three (“Jailhouse Rock”, “Dance Contest”, and “Arnold’s Wedding”).[25]
    • Producer and writer Bob Brunner created Arthur Fonzarelli’s “Fonzie” nickname and his iconic comeback phrase, “Sit on it.”[13][14][15]
    • Beginning in September 1979 until the show went out of production, reruns of the show were syndicated under the title Happy Days Again.
    • Happy Days was produced by Miller-Milkis Productions, a teaming of Thomas L. Miller with former film editor Edward K. Milkis, which became Miller-Milkis-Boyett Productions when Robert L. Boyett joined the company in 1980, and was the first-ever show to be produced by the company’s most recent incarnation, Miller-Boyett Productions, which followed Milkis’s resignation from the partnership. It was also produced by Henderson Productions and was one of the popular shows produced in association with Paramount Television.
    • In its 11 seasons on the air, Happy Days is the third-longest-running sitcom in ABC‘s history[citation needed] (behind The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, which ran 14 seasons, from 1952 to 1966), and one of the longest-running primetime programs in the network’s history. It is also unique in that it remained in the same time slot, leading off ABC’s Tuesday night programming at 8:00 p.m. Eastern/Pacific (7:00 p.m. in the Central and Mountain zones) for its first ten seasons. That half-hour became a signature timeslot for ABC, with Who’s the Boss? instantly entering the top 10 when it was moved from Thursdays and staying in that time slot for six seasons, followed by the equally family-friendly sitcom Full House (another Miller-Boyett co-production). That sitcom also hit the top 10 immediately after inheriting the Tuesday at 8:00/7:00 p.m. slot and then stayed there for four seasons.
    • Happy Days also proved to be quite popular in daytime reruns; the show joined the ABC daytime schedule in September 1975, airing reruns at 11:30 a.m. ET (10:30 a.m. CT/MT/PT), being moved to 11:00/10:00 a.m. in April 1977, paired with Family Feud following at 11:30/10:30 a.m. It was replaced on the daytime schedule by reruns of its spin-off, Laverne & Shirley, in April 1979.
    • CBS programming head Fred Silverman scheduled the Maude spin-off Good Times directly against Happy Days during their respective second seasons in an attempt to kill the ABC show’s growing popularity. In a way this move backfired on Silverman, as he was named president of ABC in 1975, thus forcing him to come up with a way to save the show he tried to kill the year before. After having knocked Happy Days out of the top 20 programs on television his last year at CBS, Silverman had the series at the top of the Nielsen ratings by 1977 (see below). Good Times was later ended in 1979.
    • Ron Howard later revealed that many of the exterior scenes filmed in Happy Days were actually shot in Munster, Indiana.
    • The official series finale (“Passages”) aired on May 8, 1984. But there were five “leftover” episodes that ABC did not have time to air during the regular season due to the Winter Olympics and the spring run of a.k.a. Pablo. Four of these aired on Thursday nights during the summer of 1984; the fifth (“Fonzie’s Spots”) aired on September 24, 1984.

    Production styles


    The first two seasons of Happy Days (1974–75) were filmed using a single-camera setup and laugh track. One episode of season two (“Fonzie Gets Married”) was filmed in front of a studio audience with three cameras as a test run. From the third season on (1975–84), the show was a three-camera production in front of a live audience (with a cast member, usually Tom Bosley, announcing in voice-over, “Happy Days is filmed before a live audience” at the start of most episodes), giving these later seasons a markedly different style. A laugh track was still used during post-production to smooth over live reactions.

    Garry Marshall’s earlier television series The Odd Couple had undergone an identical change in production style after its first season in 1970–71.



    Richie and Fonzie view his destroyed motorcycle in his living room, 1976. Fonzie’s apartment was over the Cunninghams’ garage.

    The show had two main sets: the Cunningham home and Arnold’s/Al’s Drive-In.

    In seasons one and two, the Cunningham house was arranged with the front door on the left and the kitchen on the right of screen, in a triangular arrangement. From season three on, the house was rearranged to accommodate multiple cameras and a studio audience.

    The Cunninghams’ official address is 565 North Clinton Drive, MilwaukeeWisconsin.[26] The house that served as the exterior of the Cunningham residence is actually located at 565 North Cahuenga Boulevard (south of Melrose Avenue) in Los Angeles,[27] several blocks from the Paramount lot on Melrose Avenue.

    The Milky Way Drive-In, located on Port Washington Road in the North Shore suburb of Glendale, Wisconsin (now Kopp’s Frozen Custard Stand), was the inspiration for the original Arnold’s Drive-In; it has since been demolished. The exterior of Arnold’s was a standing set on the Paramount Studios lot that has since been demolished. This exterior was close to Stage 19, where the rest of the show’s sets were located.[citation needed]

    The set of the diner in the first season was a room with the same vague details of the later set, such as the paneling, and the college pennants. When the show changed to a studio production in 1975, the set was widened and the entrance was hidden, but allowed an upstage, central entrance for cast members. The barely-seen kitchen was also upstaged and seen only through a pass-through window. The diner had orange booths, downstage center for closeup conversation, as well as camera left. There were two restroom doors camera right, labeled “Guys” and “Dolls”. A 1953 Seeburg Model G jukebox (with replaced metal pilasters from Wico Corp.) was positioned camera right, and an anachronistic “Nip-It” pinball machine (actually produced in 1972) was positioned far camera right.[citation needed]

    Potsie, Richie, Fonzie, and Ralph Malph at Arnold’s, 1975

    In 2004, two decades after the first set was destroyed, the Happy Days 30th Anniversary Reunion requested that the reunion take place in Arnold’s. The set was rebuilt by production designer James Yarnell based on the original floor plan. The reunion special was taped at CBS Television City‘s Bob Barker Studio in September 2004.[28]

    Theme music


    Main article: Happy Days (TV theme)

    Season one used a newly recorded version of “Rock Around the Clock” by Bill Haley & His Comets (recorded in the fall of 1973) as the opening theme song. This recording was not commercially released at the time, although the original 1954 recording returned to the American Billboard charts in 1974 as a result of the song’s use on the show. The “Happy Days” recording had its first commercial release in 2005 by the German label Hydra Records. (When Happy Days entered syndication in 1979, the series was retitled Happy Days Again and used an edited version of the 1954 recording instead of the 1973 version.) In some prints intended for reruns and overseas broadcasts, as well as on the Season 2 DVD set release and later re-releases of the Season 1 DVD set, the original “Rock Around the Clock” opening theme is replaced by the more standard “Happy Days” theme, because of music rights issues.

    The show’s closing theme song in seasons one and two was a fragment from “Happy Days” (although in a different recording with a different lyric from that which would become the standard version), whose music was composed by Charles Fox and whose lyric was written by Norman Gimbel. According to SAG, this version was performed by Jim Haas on lead vocals, The Ron Hicklin Singers, Stan Farber, Jerry Whitman, and Gary Garrett on backing vocals, and studio musicians.

    From seasons three to ten inclusive, a longer version of “Happy Days” replaced “Rock Around the Clock” at the beginning of the show. Released as a single in 1976 by Pratt & McClain, “Happy Days” cracked the Top 5. The show itself finished the 1976–77 television season at No. 1, ending the five-year Nielsen reign of All in the Family.

    For the show’s 11th and final season (1983–84), the theme was rerecorded in a more modern style. It featured Bobby Arvon on lead vocals, with several back-up vocalists. To accompany this new version, new opening credits were filmed, and the flashing Happy Days logo was reanimated to create an overall “new” feel which incorporated 1980s sensibilities with 1950s nostalgia (although by this time the show was set in 1965).

    Merchandising revenue lawsuit


    On April 19, 2011, Happy Days co-stars Erin Moran, Don Most, Marion Ross and Anson Williams, as well as the estate of Tom Bosley (who died in 2010), filed a $10 million breach-of-contract lawsuit against CBS, which owns the show, claiming they had not been paid for merchandising revenues owed under their contracts.[29] The cast members claimed they had not received revenues from show-related items, including comic books, T-shirts, scrapbooks, trading cards, games, lunch boxes, dolls, toy cars, magnets, greeting cards and DVDs where their images appear on the box covers. Under their contracts, they were supposed to be paid 5% of the net proceeds of merchandising if their sole image were used, and half that amount if they were in a group. CBS said it owed the actors $8,500 and $9,000 each, most of it from slot machine revenues, but the group said they were owed millions.[30] The lawsuit was initiated after Ross was informed by a friend playing slots at a casino of a Happy Days machine on which players win the jackpot when five Marion Rosses are rolled.

    In October 2011, a judge rejected the group’s fraud claim, which meant they could not receive millions of dollars in potential damages.[31] On June 5, 2012, a judge denied a motion filed by CBS to have the case thrown out, which meant it would go to trial on July 17 if the matter was not settled by then.[32] In July 2012, the actors settled their lawsuit with CBS. Each received a payment of $65,000 and a promise by CBS to continue honoring the terms of their contracts.[33][34]

    Daytime reruns


    The series was rebroadcast on ABC from September 1, 1975, to March 30, 1979.



    In 1978, actor Robin Williams made his screen debut during the fifth season of Happy Days, as the character “Mork” in the episode “My Favorite Orkan“.[35] Sought after as a last-minute cast replacement for a departing actor, Williams impressed the producer with his quirky sense of humor when he sat on his head when asked to take a seat for the audition.[36][37] While portraying Mork on Happy Days, Williams improvised much of his dialogue and physical comedy, speaking in a high, nasal voice, and he made the most of the script. The cast and crew, as well as TV network executives were deeply impressed with his performance. As such, the executives moved quickly to get the performer on contract just four days later before competitors could make their own offers.[38]

    In 1980, the National Museum of American HistorySmithsonian Institution asked Winkler to donate one of Fonzie’s leather jackets.[39][40][41]

    In 1985, Jon Hein developed the phrase jumping the shark in response to the season 5 episode “Hollywood: Part 3“, written by Fred Fox Jr.,[42] which aired on September 20, 1977. In this episode, Fonzie jumps over a shark while on water-skis.[43][44][45] The phrase is used to suggest that a creative outlet appears to be making a misguided attempt at generating new attention or publicity for something that is perceived to be once, but no longer, widely popular.[46][47] In a 2019 interview with NPRTerry Gross asked Winkler what it was “about that scene or that episode that came to signify when something’s time is up – when it’s over?” Winkler responded: “You know what? I don’t know. To them, the Fonz water skiing was just like the last straw. The only thing is it wasn’t to the audience because we were number one for years after that. So it didn’t much matter to anybody.”[48] In addition, he told TheWrap in 2018 that he is “not embarrassed” by the phrase. He stated that “newspapers would mention jumping the shark… and they would show a picture of me in my leather jacket and swim shorts water-skiing. And at that time I had great legs. So I thought, ‘I don’t care.’ And we were number one for the next four or five years.”[49] As his character Barry Zuckerkorn (in the sitcom Arrested Development) hopped over a shark in Episode 13 of the second season, Winkler also noted that there “was a book, there was a board game and it is an expression that is still used today … [and] I’m very proud that I am the only actor, maybe in the world, that has jumped the shark twice – once on Happy Days, and once on Arrested Development.”[49]

    In 1999 TV Guide ranked Fonzie as number 4 on its 50 Greatest TV Characters of All Time list.[50]

    In a 2001 poll conducted by Channel 4 in the UK, the Fonz was ranked 13th on their list of the 100 Greatest TV Characters.[51]

    In 2008, American artist Gerald P. Sawyer unveiled the Bronze Fonz (a public artwork) on the Milwaukee Riverwalk in downtown MilwaukeeWisconsin.[52]

    In December 2023, Variety ranked Happy Days number 87 on its list of the 100 greatest TV shows of all time.[53]

    Home media


    Paramount Home Entertainment and CBS DVD have released the first six seasons of Happy Days on DVD in Region 1, as of December 2, 2014.[54] For the second season, CBS features music replacements due to copyright issues, including the theme song “Rock Around the Clock”. (‘The Complete First Season’ retains the original opening, as it was released before CBS was involved). Only seasons 1, 3 and 4 of the DVD release contain the original music.[55] The sixth season was released on December 2, 2014.[56] The remaining 5 seasons have not been released.

    The season 7 premiere “Shotgun Wedding: Part 1” was also released on the Laverne & Shirley season 5 DVD. To date, this is the last episode released on home media.

    The first four seasons have also been released on DVD in the UK (Region 2) and Australia (Region 4).

    DVD nameNo. of
    Release dates
    Region 1Region 2Region 4
    The Complete First Season16August 17, 2004August 27, 2007September 19, 2007
    The Second Season23April 17, 2007November 12, 2007March 6, 2008
    The Third Season24November 27, 2007April 7, 2008September 4, 2008
    The Fourth Season25December 9, 2008January 9, 2011February 5, 2009
    The Fifth Season27May 20, 2014TBATBA
    The Sixth Season27December 2, 2014TBATBA
    Seasons 1–4881 December 2011[57]
    Seasons 1–6142January 11, 2016
    Seasons 1–6 (reissue)142October 13, 2020

    Reunion specials


    There have been two reunion specials which aired on ABC: the first was The Happy Days Reunion Special originally aired in March 1992, followed by Happy Days: 30th Anniversary Reunion in February 2005 to commemorate the program’s 30th anniversary. Both were set up in interview/clip format.



    Happy Days resulted in seven different spin-off series, including two that were animated: Laverne & Shirley, Blansky’s Beauties, Mork & Mindy, Out of the Blue, Joanie Loves Chachi, The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (animated), and Laverne & Shirley with The Fonz (animated).

    • The most successful of these spin-offs, Laverne & Shirley (1976–83) starring Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams, respectively, also took place in early/mid-1960s Milwaukee. As Shotz Brewery workers, modeled after the Miller, Schlitz, and Pabst Breweries once located in Milwaukee, Laverne and Shirley find themselves in adventures with The Fonz, Lenny and Squiggy and even the Cunninghams also living in the midwestern city. The two starring characters eventually moved to Los Angeles in the show’s later years. Penny Marshall was the sister of producer Garry MarshallHappy Days and Laverne & Shirley had a crossover episode, “Shotgun Wedding”, in which Richie and Fonzie get into trouble with a farmer for courting his daughters, and Laverne and Shirley try to help them. Part one is the season seven premiere of Happy Days and part two is the season five premiere of Laverne & Shirley.
    • After Robin Williams appeared as Mork in “My Favorite Orkan“, he was given his own sitcom, Mork & Mindy (1978–82). In this series, Mork is an alien from the planet Ork, who lands in 1970s Boulder, Colorado, to study humans. He moves in with Pam Dawber‘s character of Mindy McConnell.
    • Joanie Loves Chachi (1982–83) was a show about Richie’s younger sister Joanie and Fonzie’s younger cousin Chachi’s relationship during their years as musicians in Chicago. While commonly believed that the show was canceled due to low ratings, the program finished in the Top 20 its first season, but ABC determined that the show was losing too much of its lead-in, suggesting low appeal if the show were moved (a suggestion that came to be realized, as the show’s ratings dropped dramatically after a move to another time slot in its second season). This type of cancellation seemed strange in the early 1980s, but soon became a commonplace part of TV audience research.
    • Out of the Blue (1979) is a spin-off of Happy Days, though a scheduling error had the series airing prior to the main character’s introduction on Happy Days.
    • Blansky’s Beauties (1977) starred Nancy Walker as former Las Vegas showgirl Nancy Blansky. One week before the show’s premiere, the Blansky character appeared on Happy Days as a cousin of Howard Cunningham. Scott Baio and Lynda Goodfriend co-starred before joining Happy Days the following fall, and Pat Morita reprised his role of Arnold. Similarly, Eddie Mekka of Laverne & Shirley played the cousin of his Carmine character, while pulling double duty as a regular in both shows.

    Spin-off pilots that did not succeed include The Ralph and Potsie Show as well as The Pinky Tuscadero Show.[58]

    List of songs performed on Happy Days


    EpisodeTitleSong(s)Performed by
    1×10“Give the Band a Hand”All Shook UpAnson Williams
    2×19“Fonzie Joins the Band”Splish SplashAnson Williams
    2×20“Fish and the Fins”Young BloodFlash Cadillac and the Continental Kids
    3×10“A Date with Fonzie”Great Balls of FireAnson Williams
    3×12“Fonzie’s New Friend”HoneycombAnson Williams
    3×13“They Call It Potsie Love”Put Your Head on My ShoulderAnson Williams
    Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ OnAnson Williams
    3×19“Fonzie the Superstar”By the Light of the Silvery MoonPat MoritaPenny Marshall and Cindy Williams
    Heartbreak HotelHenry Winkler
    4×01“Fonzie Loves Pinky, Part 1”You’re SixteenAnson Williams
    4×02“Fonzie Loves Pinky, Part 2”America the BeautifulAnson Williams
    4×08“They Shoot Fonzies, Don’t They?”VenusAnson Williams
    Rockin’ RobinAnson Williams
    Anniversary SongDonny Most
    4×09“The Muckrakers”Sh-BoomAnson Williams, Donny Most, Ron Howard and Al Molinaro
    You’ll Never Walk AloneAnson Williams
    4×12“Fonzie’s Old Lady”It’s LateAnson Williams
    “Splish Splash”Anson Williams and Donny Most
    4×18“Graduation, Part 1”“Deeply”Anson Williams
    4×21“Joanie’s Weird Boyfriend”McNamara’s BandAnson Williams
    When Irish Eyes Are SmilingAnson Williams, Donny Most and Ron Howard
    4×25“Fonzie’s Baptism”Faith of our FathersAnson Williams, Donny Most, Ron Howard and Erin Moran
    5×01“Hollywood, Part 1”Will You Love Me TomorrowAnson Williams
    5×08“Fonzie and Leather Tuscadero, Part 1”“Cat Size”Suzi Quatro
    “All Shook Up”Suzi Quatro
    5×09“Fonzie and Leather Tuscadero, Part 2”“Heartbreak Hotel”Suzi Quatro
    Devil Gate DriveSuzi Quatro
    5×11“Bye Bye Blackball”“My Dream Girl Of Phi Kappa Nu”Anson Williams
    5×12“Requiem for a Malph”Calendar GirlAnson Williams
    Down by the Old Mill StreamTom BosleyMarion Ross, Ron Howard, Erin Moran and Henry Winkler
    5×14“Grandpa’s Visit”“Down South in New Orleans”Danny Thomas
    Sonny BoyDanny Thomas
    When the Saints Go Marching InDanny Thomas
    5×15“Potsie Gets Pinned”“Pinning Song”Anson Williams and Lorrie Mahaffey
    5×17“Marion’s Misgivings”Wild OneAnson Williams
    “I May Be Too Young”Suzi Quatro
    5×18“Richie Almost Dies”“Believe”Suzi Quatro
    5×20“Be My Valentine”“Save Your Last Kiss for Me”Anson Williams and Lorrie Mahaffey
    My Funny ValentineDonny Most
    Thank Heaven for Little GirlsScott Baio
    “I Remember It Well”Tom Bosley and Marion Ross
    Isn’t It Romantic?Al Molinaro
    5×26“Rules to Date By”Happy Birthday Sweet SixteenAnson Williams
    5×27“Fonzie for the Defense”The Three CaballerosAnson Williams, Donny Most and Ron Howard
    6×02“Westward Ho!, Part 2”“Rodeo Song”Anson Williams
    6×03“Westward Ho!, Part 3”Tumbling TumbleweedsAnson Williams
    6×07“Sweet Sixteen”“Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen”Anson Williams
    “Put Your Head on My Shoulder”Anson Williams
    6×09“The Evil Eye”The Monster MashAnson Williams, Donny Most and Ron Howard
    6×10“The Claw Meets the Fonz”Maybe BabyAnson Williams
    6×13“The Kissing Bandit”EverydayAnson Williams
    6×19“Stolen Melodies”“I Can’t Stand You Anymore”Fred Fox, Jr.
    “Moonlight Love”Suzi Quatro
    “Do the Fonzie”Suzi Quatro
    6×21“Marion: Fairy Godmother”Hey Little GirlAnson Williams
    “Every Hour, Every Day”Anson Williams and Lorrie Mahaffey
    6×20“Married Strangers”“Cause of You”Anson Williams
    6×26“Chachi’s Incredo Wax”Take Good Care of My BabyAnson Williams
    6×27“Potsie Quits School”“Pump Your Blood”Anson Williams
    7×08“Burlesque”“Top Banana”Tom Bosley
    “Girl of Our Nations”Anson Williams
    “It’s Delightful”Donny Most and Henry Winkler
    7×10“King Richard’s Big Night”Hello Mary LouAnson Williams
    Let’s Twist AgainAnson Williams
    7×11“Fonzie vs. The She-Devils”Beer Barrel PolkaTom Bosley, Marion Ross, Erin Moran and Henry Winkler
    That Old Gang of MineTom Bosley, Marion Ross, Ron Howard and Erin Moran
    7×12“The Mechanic”Tossin’ and Turnin’Anson Williams
    7×14“Here Comes the Bride”“Wedding Song”Anson Williams
    7×17“Hot Stuff”For He’s a Jolly Good FellowTom Bosley, Marion Ross, Ron Howard, Anson Williams, Donny Most, Erin Moran and Lynda Goodfriend
    7×18“The New Arnold’s”“Let’s Twist Again”Anson Williams
    7×23“A Potsie is Born”Surfin’ SafariAnson Williams
    Mack the KnifeAnson Williams
    Oh, Boy!Anson Williams and Gail Edwards
    8×07“And The Winner Is”“The Jefferson Anthem”Anson Williams and Al Molinaro
    8×12“Broadway It’s Not”“You Look at Me”Erin Moran and Scott Baio
    8×19“R.C. and L.B. Forever”“Wedding Song”Anson Williams
    8×22“American Musical”“Long After You’ll Always Have Me”Erin Moran and Scott Baio
    “Jail Song”Anson Williams, Scott Baio, Tom Bosley, Henry Winkler, Al Molinaro and Ted McGinley
    “A Toast To My Country And Home”Al Molinaro, Lynda Goodfriend and Cathy Silvers
    “Youre Gonna Make It”Tom Bosley, Marion Ross and Ted McGinley
    9×02“Home Movies, Part 2”“Every Time, Every Place”Anson Williams
    9×09“No, Thank You”“Lookin’ Good, Feelin’ Fine”Erin Moran and Scott Baio
    9×12“To Beanie or Not to Beanie”“Call”Erin Moran and Scott Baio
    9×14“Grandma Nussbaum”“How Am I Gonna Sing”Tom Bosley, Marion Ross, Erin Moran, Lynda Goodfriend, Ted McGinley and Pat O’Brien
    9×15“Poobah Doo Dah”Twistin’ the Night AwayErin Moran and Scott Baio
    The Way You Look TonightTom Bosley and Marion Ross
    Goodbye, My Coney Island BabyAnson Williams, Scott Baio, Al Molinaro and Ted McGinley
    “Venus”Frankie Avalon
    9×16“A Touch of Classical”Twist and ShoutErin Moran and Scott Baio
    9×18“Great Expectations”“Time Turned Around”Erin Moran and Scott Baio
    9×20“Chachi’s Future”“Princess of 3rd Street”Scott Baio
    10×06“Who Gives a Hootenanny?”Come Go With MeErin Moran and Scott Baio
    10×08“Such a Nice Girl”Blue MoonPat Morita
    10×14“Prisoner of Love”Stop! In The Name of LoveCrystal Bernard, Cathy Silvers and Julie Paris
    10×15“Life is More Important Than Show Business”The Loco-MotionErin Moran and Scott Baio
    11×04“Welcome Home, Part 1”Blueberry HillAnson Williams, Ron Howard, Donny Most and Henry Winkler

    In other media




    A series of novels based on characters and dialog of the series was written by William Johnston and published by Tempo Books in the 1970s.

    Comic books


    Western Publishing published a Happy Days comic book series in 1979 under their Gold Key Comics brand and Whitman Comics brand.



    There are two animated series, both produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in association with Paramount Television (now known as CBS Television Distribution). The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang ran from 1980 to 1982. There are also animated spin-offs of Laverne & Shirley (Laverne & Shirley in the Army) and Mork & Mindy (centering on a young Mork and Mindy in high school). The following season, they were connected together as Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour (1982).[59]



    In the late 1990s, a touring arena show called Happy Days: The Arena Spectacular toured Australia’s major cities.[60] The story featured a property developer, and former girlfriend of Fonzie’s, called Miss Frost (Rebecca Gibney), wanting to buy the diner and redevelop it. It starred Craig McLachlan as Fonzie, Max Gillies and Wendy Hughes as Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Doug Parkinson as Al, and Jo Beth Taylor as Richie’s love interest Laura. Tom Bosley presented an introduction before each performance live on stage, and pop group Human Nature played a 1950s-style rock group.

    Another stage show, Happy Days: A New Musical, began touring in 2008.[61][62]

    Music videos


    The music video for the song “Buddy Holly” (which takes place at Arnold’s Drive-in) by Weezer features footage from the series, including clips of Richie, Potsie, Ralph Malph, Joanie, and Fonzie.[63] Al Molinaro also reprises his role as Al Delvecchio in the video, joking about how bad his fish is at the beginning and end of the video.

    Video games


    A 1976 arcade racing game named Fonz was released based on Fonzie, with a picture of the character appearing on the side of the arcade cabinet.